951 Balloon Squadron
Operations Book

The entry in 951 Balloon Operations Book reads:-


Weather:- Moderate easterly wind. Cloudy. No lightning.


Aircraft collides with cable. Wellington S2502 (N. B. wrong No., should be T2905 - J.C.) RAF Bassingbourn collided with cable at 51/21 and 51/23 and crashed at D Flight site 51/25 - crew of six - 3 killed - 2 seriously injured - 1 slightly injured. Carried H. E. bombs, incendiaries & ammunition which exploded at intervals after crash. 618025 A/C Rowlands of 951 Sq. injured and admitted Bristol Royal Infirmary. Balloon at site 21 broke away. Balloon at site 23 remained flying. Balloons flying at varying heights throughout the day."

This book can be found at the
Public Records Office at Kew.
Ref AIR 27/2299 (page 187)
